Here is a list of sample behavior questions and technical questions
Sample Behavioral Questions
● Why Google?
● Why do you want this job?
● What does "being Googley" mean to you?
● Tell me about a time your behavior had a positive impact on your team. What was your primary goal and why? How did your teammates respond? Moving forward, what is your plan?
● Tell me about a time when you effectively managed your team to achieve a goal. What did your approach look like? What were your targets and how did you meet them as an individual and as a team? How did you adapt your leadership approach to different individuals? What was the key takeaway from this specific situation
● Tell me about a time you had difficulty working with someone (can be a coworker, classmate, client). What made this person difficult to work with for you? What steps did you take to resolve the problem? What was the outcome? What could you have done differently?)
● Describe one of the difficulties you have encountered.
● "Tell me about two suggestions you have made to your manager in the past year. How did you come up with the ideas? What happened? How do you feel about the way things went?"
● "Describe a situation where you were responsible for getting others to make a change. What role did you play and what actions did you take? What was the outcome? If you had to do it again, would you do anything differently?"
● "How does the work you are currently doing affect your organization's ability to meet its mission and goals? Do you think your work is important? If yes, why? If no, why not?"
● What would you want to do if you didn't have to work?
● If you could be remembered for one sentence, what would it be?
Technical Interview Sample Questions
● What you know about HashTable? Benefits.
● When you debug a Java program, you insert a System.out.print to output the debug, but you found the debug is gone. Any reason?
● Image a sorted array 1,2,3,8,10,20,49. After a shift happens, for example, it happens at 10. All elements including and after 10 are pasted in the beginning. The array becomes 10,20,49,1,2,3,8. Now ask to find an element (say, 3). What is your best solution?
● Write a function to return the largest two integers in an array.
● Write a function to implement a buffer for DataOutputStream. How are you going to test it?
● Write a function to determine whether a word is in a dictionary. How will you test it?
● Implement a code to do wildcard string matching (e.g. source: readme.txt, query: *.txt, should return true.)
● Check whether a Sudoku is valid. 9*9 matrix, and each row, column and 3*3
cell only contain unique integers (in range [1,9]) or empty
● Find intersection of two sorted array A, B
● Check whether a binary tree is a binary search tree
● Sampling of incoming integers, then return one sample with equal probability. The major advantages and disadvantages of following languages: C++, Python, Java. (He asked for at least 3 disadvantages for each language, if you can only give two, he will continue to let you think)..
● Consider you are constructing a system for data synchronization, what problem will you face, and how you solve it?
● What is mutex, semaphore, deadlock? Give examples of them.
● A string consists of ‘0’, ‘1’ and '?'. The question mark can be either '0' or '1'. Find all possible combinations for a string.
● Give you a text file, remove duplicated lines.
● Find the peak in given array.
● How to determine whether number is power of 2 or not
● Find n closest points to the origin
Откуда берется в организме хеликобактер пилори?
ReplyDeleteПо данным из медицинской литературы заражение хеликобактер пилори происходит так же, как и любой другой кишечной инфекцией: грязные руки, бытовой путь и даже при поцелуях, ведь источником этой инфекции является больной человек. Присутствуют алиментарный и водный пути заражения хеликобактер пилори.
Что кушать при хеликобактер пилори?
Исключают из диеты:
• Ржаной и любой свежий хлеб, слоёное и сдобное тесто;
• Мясные, рыбные и грибные бульоны, окрошку, щи, борщ, крепкие овощные отвары;
• Жирные сорта мяса и рыбы, жилистое мясо, утку, гуся, субпродукты (печень, почки, мозги), копчёности, консервы;
• Яйца, сваренные вкрутую и жареные;
Источник 1
Источник 2
Источник 3
Источник 4
Источник 5
Можно ли вылечить хеликобактер только де Нолом?
При эрадикации Helicobacter pylori монотерапия Де-Нолом не применяется. Эффект может быть достигнут только при использовании Де-Нола в составе комплексной схемы из нескольких препаратов.
Лечение при выявлении бактерии хеликобактер пилори
Курс лекарственной терапии включает прием минимум трех препаратов, два из которых — это антибиотики. Кроме антибиотиков, пациенту назначается медпрепарат — ингибитор протонной помпы и дополнительные витамины. Врачи называют такой метод терапии «тройной схемой лечения».
Как погибает хеликобактер пилори?
Бактерия относительно устойчива к окружающей среде: при кипячении погибает практически сразу, при воздействии химических препаратов – через пару минут. Инфицироваться можно при контакте с пищевыми продуктами или загрязненной водой.
Симптомы Хеликобактер Пилори
• желудочные боли, которые исчезают после еды
• изжога
• тошнота и рвота
• несварение желудка, проблемы с перевариванием мяса
• ощущение сильной тяжести в желудке
• запоры или диарея
• аллергические реакции
• ломкость ногтей