tricky interview questions require presence of mind to answer them?

1) Do you have an IQ more than 130?
This question is put to check “Intellectual Humility” and “Yes” could be the worst answer to this. Remembering your IQ score sends a wrong message of your insecurity and self-aggrandizement.
2) What shall we have for dinner this evening?
Don’t give an answer like “whatever you like”, “I don’t mind” ,“what would you like”, etc. This will hide your quality of leadership or taking stand, when your opinion is asked.  This will show your willingness to take charge and when not.
3) Why are manhole covers round?
Manhole covers round, so that man does not fall through the manhole as the plane, or square shape ordinarily flush with the plane of the street goes perpendicular to the street.
4) Mention how many times a day do a clock’s hands overlap?
Clock hands overlap about 22 times a day.
5) Out of eight balls, seven balls weigh equal while the one ball is slightly heavier than the others how would you figure out which one is the heavier by using a balance and only two weighing?
Take 6 balls out of 8 balls
Put 3 balls on each side of weighing machine, if they weight equal you know that the heavier ball is in the remaining two which is left out
But if they don’t weigh equal, then the heavier ball is in one of those triplets
Out of those 3 balls that have heavier ball, pick any 2 and put them on the scale and keep doing until you get your heavier ball
6)  Some months have 30 days, and some have 31, how may months have 28 days?
Answer to this question is 12 months, as each month has 28 days. So don’t answer 1 or Feb.
7) Explain how five minus two equal 4?
If you take f and e from five what remain is Roman numeral iv.
(Got all this questions from Google) 
