How one can get a job in oracle in india?

I will be joining Oracle soon so, I hope that I can give you some first hand tips to land a job in Oracle.

Step 1: The first hurdle will be getting your resume shortlisted. So make your resume attractive/catchy, informative, 2-3 pages max, all your skill set, experience, educational details easily visible on first glance. 
Step 2: If you know some person working in Oracle, ask him/her to refer your profile or send your resume to HR. This is the best way. If not, you can keep on applying relevant jobs (better the ones matching your technology) on Oracle Career Portal and hope your resume will be picked and you will get call.
Step 3: Prepare for interview either according to the jobs you applied (better way) or once you get call for the discussion. Analyse thoroughly the job description. Know pretty well about all those things mentioned in job description. Have very good and in depth knowledge about your previous/current projects and tools you worked on. Must have all answers prepared for common HR questions (must do) rather than relying on your instincts (your instincts may betray you and you will be speechless for moment or later regret why did you say that thing, happened with me few times). 
Step 4: Interview Time: Go after good breakfast or lunch (time dependent). Relax. Speak confidently (must). Tell your answers in details and ask if there is anything else thy might want to know. If you need time to answer a question, ask politely for a minute to compose your thoughts (they will surely give, and it won't give any wrong impression). Show your command in your answers and knowledge. Use normal English but grammatically correct only.  Say sorry, if you feel you said something wrong. Say that you are not sure if you don't know about something asked. Once you are done. Ask for their feedback and improvement you might want to incorporate in you. If they want they will give you feedback.

Hope it helps! All the best. Resume time for you :P
