As an experienced competitive contests (ACM, Codechef, Topcoder, Google Apac Test, etc.) programmer, what attitude and mindset do they keep while solving a complex problem in a short time span?

First Solve Top 20 Questions of all category of Data structure and Algorithm, Then come back to Coding Platforms Like SPOJ, CodeForce,Leetcode Codechef, and Topcoder.

I will Recommend Leetcode for preparing Job Interviews.

So, the main points to solve a problem:
  • Practice problems first. Don't jump directly into the contests.
  • Read the editorials of the question after the contest gets over.
  • Try to optimize and reduce time complexity as much as possible.
  • Take care of the edge cases.

Source: Ayush Jain from Quora. You can follw this guy. He is talented. I am also a follower.
