100 Diamonds of Coding

Before Moving forword let me tell you one thing "You are Awesome, don't give fuck to those who are saying you are not."
and remember one thing "Never underestimate yourself you are much more than you think".

I am putting top 100 Data structure, Algorithm, Math and String etc. Before attempting any Interview first solve these problem then sit on Interview.

If you are going to start coding on online platform like Topcoder,Codeforce,SPOJ then first solve these 100 question then sit on online coding contest. Other wise you are wasting your time.
You will find that you are able to solve even 1 online coding contest question and you will get frustated.

These 100 Qestions are Known as "100 Diamonds of Coding". In these 100 questions we have covered all topic of DS and Algo.

Let's Rock...

1. Generate power set of given set
int A[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
int N = 5;
int Total = 1 << N;
for ( int i = 0; i < Total; i++ ) {
 for ( int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
 if ( (i >> j) & 1 )
 cout << A[j];
 cout << endl;
2. Find if the given expression contains redundant parantheses. ex :if expr = a+(b*c) , print
false, if expr = a+((b*c)), print true.
3. Given a set of intervals like 5-10, 5-10, 8-12, 9-15. Find the ith smallest number in these
for eg:-Suppose we have intervals like 5-10, 8-12. Then total numbers in these two intervals
would be: {5,6,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,12}
So, 1st smallest number: 5
4th smallest number: 8
5th smallest number: 8
4. Add two numbers without using + operator.
5. Negate a number without using just +operator. Eg: negate(5) = -5 ; negate(-5)=5.
6. Find number smallest number K , if exists, such that product of its digits is N. Eg: N = 6,
smallest number is k=16(1*6=6) and not k=23(2*3=6).
int getnumber(int n) {
 if(n==0|| n==1)
 int i=9;
 int num=0;
 int pow=1;
 while(i>;0) {
 while(n%i==0 && i>;1) {
 num=i*pow + num;
 pow=pow*10; n=n/i;
if(n!=1) return -1;
else return num;
7. How to find the smallest number with just 0 and 7 which is divided by a given number?
8. Count the trailing zeros in factorial of a number N? (5! Has number of 0’s = 1)
9. Check if the bit representation of a number is palindrome or not? Eg . 9 => 1001 > is
palindrome. Function
boolean isPalindrome(int anumber) {
uint numberOfBits = sizeof(uint)*8;
for(uint i=1; i<= numberOfBits/2; ++i) {
 if( ((aNumber & (1<<(numberOfBits-i)))? 1:0) == ((aNumber & (1<<(i-1)))? 1:0)) {
 continue; }
 else {
 return false;
 return true;
10. Generate random number generator (mod 7) using (mod 5). Understand the trick then you can
generate any random number generator using a given generator.
int rand7() {
 int vals[5][5] = {
 { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 },
 { 6, 7, 1, 2, 3 },
 { 4, 5, 6, 7, 1 },
 { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 },
 { 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 } };
int result = 0;
while (result == 0) {
 int i = rand5();
 int j = rand5();
 result = vals[i-1][j-1];
11. Get the least number after deleting k digits from the input number. For example, if the input
number is 24635, the least number is 23 after deleting 3 digits. ( Courtesy:
12. Find how many squares are present on a chessboard.
Linked Lists:
13. Reverse a doubly linked list. ( Just don’t ignore the problem because it sounds simple).
Code it and be careful at edge cases.
14. Merge two sorted linked lists (in-place) , don’t form third linked list.
15. Quick-Sort on Doubly linked list. Also try it on Singly linked list.
16. Reverse singly linked list without using three pointers. You can use only two pointers.
eg: p-> points to head ; q-> points to head->next then,
while(q) {
 q = p ^ q ^ (q->next) ^ (q->next=p) ^ (p=q) ;
At the end, p points to newHead.
17. Loop in linked list. Start of loop, if loop exists.
18. Find middle of singly linked list. Break Circular linked list into two different circular linked
19. Number is represented in linked list such that each digit corresponds to a node in linked list.
Add 1 to it. For eg: 1999 is represented as : (1->9 -> 9 -> 9 ) + 1 => (2->0->0->0)
Extension : Don’t reverse linked list.
20. Reverse nodes in linked list problems. Like : k-alternate node reverse OR reverse k nodes,
then next k nodes and so on..
21. You have an array which has a set of positive and negative numbers, print all the subset sum
which is equal to 0.
22. Divide a given array into two subarray (not necessary to be continuous) such that difference
between sum of both array is minimum.
23. Find number of inversions in an array. Inversion means a pair where a[i] > a[j] and i a[i+1].. For corner elements
a[0] is peak, if a[0] > a[1] or a[length-1] > a[length-2] then a[length-1] is peak. There can be
many peaks in array. Find anyone.
No repetition of elements in array. Try it on O(logn).
31. There are 0’s and 1’s in array. Bring all 0’s on odd positions and 1’s at even positions. If 1’s or
0’s are more, leave the remaining as it is after arranging at even/odd positions.
Hint: Keep two pointers. Odd and even position pointers. Both will move +2 steps at a time.
Keep moving odd pointer ahead till u get a place where 0 is not present. Do the same for
even pointer. Then exchange values of these two pointers. Continue till anyone of them
reaches end of array.
32. Given an array of integers, sort the array according to frequency of elements. For example, if
the input array is {2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 12, 2, 3, 3, 3, 12}, then modify the array to {3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2,
12, 12, 4, 5}.
Hint: Insert elements into maxheap. Condition for maxHeap is frequency of elements. So
root will contain element that has maximum no of repetitions.
33. The cost of a stock on each day is given in an array, find the max profit that you can make by
buying and selling in those days. For example, if the given array is {100, 180, 260, 310, 40,
535, 695}, the maximum profit can earned by buying on day 0, selling on day 3. Again buy on
day 4 and sell on day 6. If the given array of prices is sorted in decreasing order, then profit
cannot be earned at all.
34. You are given a one dimensional array that may contain both positive and negative integers,
find the sum of contiguous subarray of numbers which has the largest sum. For example, if
the given array is {-2, -5, 6, -2, -3, 1, 5, -6}, then the maximum subarray sum is 7. Dont use
Kadane.. Try with Divide and conquer approach. Refer geeksForGeeks.org
35. Find maximum difference in indexes. Say, (j-i) is answer if i,j are both indexes such that iA[j]; .. This problem is different from the one below..
36. Maximum difference in two elements in arrays such that the larger elements appear on
37. Suppose array values represent height of histograms. Find largest area rectangle formed by
some contiguous histograms.
38. Imp problem: Find number which is repeated more than n/2 times in array where n is length
of array. Extension: Now find element which is repeated more than n/4 times, n/8 times and
so on.
Hint: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~moore/best-ideas/mjrty/ This will help you find n/2 times
repeated element. To find( n/4 or more )times repeated element, repeat same algorithm but
this time ignore the one which is already found as repeated n/2 times.
39. Find number of elements on right side, which are greater in value then current element. Find
this for all elements of array. (Hint: Use BST tree).
Stacks and Queues:
40. Simplest and famous one: Design stack for top(),push(),pop() and getMin() operations in
O(1) time complexity.
Hint: Two stacks. Beware of edges cases like when last element is popped out.
Extension: How would you design for getMax() operation also.
41. Find the next smallest element on right side for every element a[i] in array a[].
42. Design queue for getMiddle() in O(1) time complexity.
Hint : Think in terms of how to implement queue. How about LinkedList. Can we maintain
one additional pointer to middle element always and update it whenever new element is
added at rear.
43. Design Queue for getMin() in O(1) time complexity. Hint: Use two queue.
44. Inorder/postorder iterative using explicit stack. This problem is important as this technique
is required in many problems.
45. Find maximum number in sliding window of k . eg : if array is { 1,5,7,2,1,3,4} and k=3, then
first window is {1,5,7} so maximum is 7, print 7, then next window is {5,7,2} , maximum is 7,
print 7. So final output is : { 7,7,7,3,4 }
This is very famous problem usually asked in big companies during initial screening rounds.
46. Celebrity problem : There are n number of people in party and only one celebrity. If celebrity
is the person, who knows no one but everyone knows him, find who is the celebrity? Given:
a function is provided which tells whether ‘a’ knows ‘b’ or not? doesAknowB(A,B).
Hint: Push all the elements into stack. Remove top two elements(say A and B), and keep A if
B knows A and A does not know B. Remove both A,B is both know each other.
47. Find any two elements in BST such that sum of those two nodes = K.
Hint: Try O(logN). Do 2 iterative inorders, one for left-root-right and other following rightroot-left.
Add those two values and check cases like k,==k.
inroderRevInorderBoth(root) {
done1, done2 = false;
while(1) {
 while(done1==false) {
 while(curr1) {
 done1 = true;
else {
 val1 = s1.pop();
 curr1 = val1->right;
 done1= true;
while(done2==false) {
 while(curr2) {
 done2 = true;
else {
 val2 = s2.pop();
 curr2 = val2->left;
 done2= true;
 if(val1->data + val2->data==target)
 return;/*print answer val1, val2*/
 if(val1->data + val2->data < target)
48. Convert a binary tree to BST. Extra space allowed. ( Can you maintain same shape of the
original tree and still get BST. Answer is no..(
49. Given a BST, delete a node in BST. ( Refer to example below for hint. Node with value 6 is
going to be deleted from its original position).
50. Given a BST, and a node in BST, make that node, as new root of the tree. But still maintain
the tree as BST after making this node as root. For eg: In tree below, say given node is 6,
then change the tree to make 6 as root of tree..
Hint: Take 6 as root, as its on left of original root(8) so, make 8 as right child of 6 and 3 as left
child node. Now, there are two cases:
- If 6 is leaf, then no worries at all
- if 6 is internal node, remove 6 and replace it with ( either max in left substree or min in
right subtree)
51. Find the inorder successor of BST in O(logN). By using inorder, you can find it in O(n) but
then you are not using its BST properties.
public class inorderSuccessor {
public static TreeNode iterativeSolution(TreeNode root, TreeNode target) {
if (root == null || target == null) return null;
 boolean targetFound = false;
TreeNode currNode = root, candidate=null;
while (currNode != null) {
if (currNode.val == target.val) {
targetFound = true;
currNode = currNode.right;
else if (currNode.val > target.val) { /* only update candidate here as we r
looking for successor.. it will always be greater.*/
candidate = currNode;
currNode = currNode.left;
else {// currNode.val < target.val
currNode = currNode.right;
return targetFound ? candidate : null; // important check to return candidate.
52. Determine if a tree is a valid BST with no duplicated values. (This means that if the binary
tree has a duplicated number it should return "invalid" even if it's an actual BST)
Hint: Check if left subtree or right subtree is invalid or not. Also keep track of prev node
visited in inorder traversal and check if value is repeated by comparing previous visited node
with current node.
53. Implement a function which returns list of all nodes in a binary tree having a given number
of leaves, say k . Also mention complexity. Eg: k=4, ans is {4,5} .. k=2 ans is {8,9,10,11,12,7}
Hint: Think bottom-up, so at every node, getall nodes from left and right subtree and see if
its k, then print the node.
54. Replace each node with the sum of all greater nodes in a given BST?
Hint-1 : If converted to Doubly linked list, then you can take prefix sum, starting from tail to
head. But this will modify the tree.
Hint-2: Try reverse inorder(right, root,left). Take sum of all nodes in right first, add current
node’s value to it and pass to left subtree. Total sum returned by left subtree can be passed
to root. Recursion is the key.
55. Do iterative inorder, preorder without using stack. No extra space allowed.
Hint : Morris traversal.
56. Find least common ancestor in tree for given nodes ‘a’ and ‘b’. But time complexity should
be O(n) and note its binary tree and not BST.
57. Print all paths in trees ( not just root to nodes ).
Hint: O(n^2) to get all pairs of nodes and to print path between them, you can find LCA(a,b)
between nodes ‘a’ and ‘b’ to get path between them, which will take O(n) so, total
complexity O(n^3). Can you get better?
58. Find median in BST. There are can be different approaches. Extension to question: Suppose
‘K’ number of queries are coming in such a way that they ask for i-th smallest element in
Hint: For extension, you can preprocess tree such that, it stores extra information about
number of children in left/right subtrees so that, we can traverse tree based on value of ‘i’.
Eg: if a node has 5 nodes in left subtree and 3 on rightside, and i=7, then at node you know,
you have to go in right substree.
So, for ‘K’ queries, O(logn) will be required to get i-th element.
59. Two nodes in BST are incorrectly placed. So, swap the two nodes such that BST is formed
60. Form BST from given preorder traversal output.
Preorder given : 8,3,1,6,4,7,10,14,13 ... Think recursion, 0th element is root, then find
elements that qualify for left subtree and right subtree and go recursive to get actual trees.
61. Find distance between two keys in Binary tree. (not BST).
Hint: LeastCommonAncestor
62. Given a binary tree, a target node in the binary tree, and an integer value k, print all the
nodes that are at distance k from the given target node. No parent pointers are available.
Hint: Refer geeksForGeeks.org
Given a binary tree where each node has an additional pointer filed 'sibling' (in addition to the 'left’
& 'right' fields), connect all the siblings. Note, the tree may not be a complete binary tree.
Hint-1: Do level order traversal and previous node is connected to current node in level order
Hint-2: For every node, (if right child exists),connect its left-child to right-child, if not, connect left
child to ( find node by traversing, sibling pointer of current-node, and finding appropriate next
sibling for left child).
For right child, find sibling by traversing, sibling of current node and finding required node.
eg. In example tree of question 60, at node 8, connect 3’s sibling pointer to 10.
At 3, connect 1’s sibling to 6, and for 6, traverse sibling of 3 which is 10, and get 10’s right child(14)
as left is not present. Attach sibling of 6 as 14. And so on.
63. Find longest repeating substring in string. Eg; abcdsabcaewcabcad ..Here ans is ‘abc’.
Hint: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_repeated_substring_problem
64. Find longest palindrome substring in O(n2) without extra space.
Hint: No dynamic programming required.
- For odd length palindromes, From each element, moves both directions left+right and
check if palindrome is formed and record length if maximum.
- Also, for even length palindromes, start from between every two elements and go both
directions till palindrome property is formed.
65. Famous problem for interviews: Given a string ‘str’and some other string ‘str2’, find smallest
substring in str which will contain all characters of ‘str2’ even if they are in any order.
eg: str=”bzdsdaddwcfaobwww” str2=”abc”. Highlighted part is answer.
66. KMP search : Find if given ‘pattern ‘ is present in given string “str”, if present return the
index of start of pattern in str. For eg: str=”asdqeaicicaiciciaaw”, pattern=’icici’, then ans is
One of the Important questions, understand KMP search properly as its frequently asked.
67. Design String class of our own. Be careful to design understanding all properties of Java
String class like immutable. ( Hint: See how to make class immutable and check Java String
class properties)
68. There is a dictionary of billion words and there is one method provided "String getWord(int
index);". We can give it index and it will return the String on that index.
Hint: Use Binary search if end index is known. Or else try Fibonacci search to reach a point
where string at that index is greater than given word.
69. String compression(in-place). O(n) required. For given string compress using following logic:
case1 : input string : aaawwwbbbcc
compressed output: a3w3b3c2
case 2: input string : acccbww
compressed output: a1c3b1w2
Assume that every input string has infinite amount of memory.
Hint: Count number of places where no repetition is present but don’t insert 1 now, just
- For characters where repetition is present, replace duplicate characters by digits. At last,
let compressed string be called str(as its in-place).
- To insert 1’s at places where no repetition is there, start copying each char from end of str
to str.length+count position. This is new length of string.
- While copying for characters for which number is not present in-front of them, it means,
they appeared once, so insert 1 and then the character.
- Eg: str=acccb After transformation, str=ac3b and new_length=4 and count=2
So, keep pointer at end of str, at ‘b’, and copy it to new_length position in str.
But we observe that for ‘b’ , no number appeared before it so, its not repeated, so we insert
1 at that new position.
Then, we get number, so for numbers, just copy them to new postion as it is. ( new position -
1 ) is to be done every time.
Now, for c, we saw a number just before ‘c’ so, it means, c was repeated so copy ‘c’ as it is.
Now, comes ‘a’ and we see no number associated with it, so insert ‘1’ and then ‘a’.
So final answer : a1c3b1
Dynamic Programming(Only frequently asked):
70. Find length of longest series questions :
- Longest common subsequence in two strings
- Longest common substrings in two strings
- Longest increasing subsequence in O(nlogn)
 Refer : http://www.algorithmist.com/index.php/Longest_Increasing_Subsequence.cpp
71. You are given an array A with elements 0 to n-1, numbers can be repeated in the array.
Create n sets where
S[i]={a[i],a[a[i]],a[a[a[i]]]…}. Set has all elements unique. Find the size of the largest set.
First line contains n, size of the array. n<1000 -="" 0th="" 1="" 2="" 3="" 72.="" 73.="" 74.="" 75.="" 76.="" 77.="" 78.="" 79.="" 80.="" 81.="" :="" a="" add="" adjacent="" again="" algo032a.htm="" all="" always="" am="" amazon:="" amount="" and="" answer.="" any="" approach="" are="" array.="" array="" arrays="" asked="" at="" bcdean="" be="" because="" belonged.="" better="" binary="" blue="" book2="" books="" boolean="" both="" break="" broken="" by="" calculating="" can="" case:="" certain="" chain="" check="" choose="" choosing="" coin="" coins="" color.="" color="" colors="" colour="" colouring="" colours="" consider="" consisting="" contains="" correct="" cost.="" cost="" count="" denomination="" denominations="" dictionary.="" different.="" different="" distance="" dit="" dit_distance="" doing="" down="" dp_9.swf="" dp_practice="" dynamic="" each="" edit="" eg:="" either="" element="" elements="" en.wikipedia.org="" evaluate="" evaluates="" every="" exactly="" example="" except="" exists="" explanation:="" explanation="" expression="" false.="" false="" famous="" fibonacci="" figure="" find="" for="" formed="" four="" frog="" from="" function="" get="" give="" given="" gives="" giving="" greedy="" green="" have="" he="" heap="" hint:="" house="" houses="" how="" http:="" i-1="" i="" iamlive="" id="4724898538717184" if="" in="" infinite="" input:="" insert="" into="" is="" it="" ith="" jump="" just="" k.="" k="" keep="" know="" largest="" last="" length="" lines="" live="" lloyd="" maintain="" many="" matrix="" may="" median.="" median="" merged.="" min="" minheap.="" minimum.="" minimum="" miscellaneous="" money.="" mostly="" multiplication="" n="" need="" new="" next="" no="" non-contiguous="" not.="" not="" now="" number:="" number="" numbers="" of="" on="" one.="" one="" only="" optimal="" or="" orion.lcg.ufrj.br="" other="" out="" output:="" output="" paint="" painted="" parenthesize="" people.cs.clemson.edu="" point="" possible="" prints="" problem.="" problem="" problems:="" programming="" question="" r.dobbs="" reach="" red="" refer:="" related="" remove="" required="" return="" root="" row.="" same="" sample="" search="" set.="" sets="" should="" size="" so="" solution="" sorted="" steps="" string="" subset="" such="" sum="" supply="" symbols="" take="" tell="" test="" th="" that="" the="" their="" them.="" them="" then="" there="" this="" three="" tildealgds="" till="" time.="" to="" total="" total_sum="sum" tree="" true.="" true="" two="" using="" valid="" values.="" values="" variation:="" very="" ways="" we="" when="" where="" which="" wiki="" will="" word="" words="" written="" www.careercup.com="" www.csse.monash.edu.au="" xor="" ynamic="" you=""> if K*N is odd, then median
is (K*N)/2 + 1 th element, and if (K*N) is even, then ((K*N)/2 + ((K*N)/2)+1))/2 th element.)
Check this condition once.
82. Find top 10 frequent words in a file with millions of words.
Hint: Trie and minheap. Size of heap will be 10. Insert word into trie, the last node
containing last character of word will have count which will incremented by 1 , everytime
word is inserted. If count > (the minimum value in minheap(i.e. root’s count) then remove
root and insert this word into heap. MinHeap is arranged based on number of occurances a
word had till now.
Food for thought: Can we used doubly linked list instead of minHeap to reduce time
Extension : Instead of top 10 words, it can top 10%. In that case, the minheap size will
change such that everytime it will store 10%(high-frequency words) of the words read till
83. Implement Least Recently used cache. Write code for it too.
84. Find maximum sum rectangle in matrix of size m*n with 1’s and 0’s.
Hint: You will need Kadane algorithm to reduce time complexity from O(n^4) to O(n^3).
Refer geeksforgeeks.org for solution.
85. Given a number find the next smallest palindrome.
eg: 123 -> 131, 991 -> 1001, 121 -> 121 itself.
- There are two cases, whether the number of digits in the number is odd or even.
We’ll start with analyzing the odd case.
- Let’s say the number is ABCDE, the smallest possible palindrome we can obtain
from this number is ABCBA, which is formed by mirroring the number around its
center from left to right (copying the left half onto the right in reverse order).
- This number is always a palindrome, but it may not be greater than the original
number. If it is then we simply return the number, if not we increase the number. But
which digit to increment?
- We don’t want to increment the digits on the left half because they increase the
number substantially, and we’re looking for the smallest palindrome larger than the
- The digits on the right half increase the value of the number much less, but then to
keep the number palindrome we’ll have to increment the digits on the left half as well,
which will again result in a large increase. So, we increment the digit just in the
middle by 1, which corresponds to adding 100 in this case.
- This way the number stays a palindrome, and the resulting number is always larger
than the original number.
Courtesy: Ardent (http://www.ardendertat.com/2011/12/01/programming-interviewquestions-19-find-next-palindrome-number/)
86. Backtracking problems: N-Queens problem. Place N queens in such a way that, they can’t kill
each other.
87. One knight is placed at some position Y in chessboard, find in how many minimum moves it
will move to some given position X in chessboard. By position X or Y means, it will have row
and column number.
88. Print all permutations of number in sorted order formed by last digits. Eg: number=123, then
numbers formed are: 123,132,213,231,312,321.
To get next number which is greater than given number.
1. Start from rightmost digit and go left till you find ith element such that, digit_at_i <
2. Now go find on right-side of ith element, find the element(say at position ‘j’) that is
greater than ith element but smallest among all those elements which are greater and on
right side of ith element.
3. Swap the digits at position ‘i’ and ‘j’.
4. Sort digits from i+1th position to end.
89. Given a text file and a word, find the positions that the word occurs in the file. You’ll be
asked to find the positions of many words in the same file.
Hint: Do some precomputation which will help to reduce complexity of getting position of
word in text. So kind-of inverted index ( word -> position mapping ). Choose datastructure.
It can be hashtable or trie( at whose end node will have List indexes where the
word occurred.)
90. Given a matrix of integers and coordinates of a rectangular region within the matrix, find the
sum of numbers falling inside the rectangle. Our program will be called multiple times with
different rectangular regions from the same matrix.
Hint: Refer (http://www.ardendertat.com/2011/09/20/programming-interview-questions-2-
91. Implement Trie operations -> insertion, deletion and lookup operations.
92. Stream of 0’s and 1’s is coming, find whether the number formed together by this binary bits
is multiple of 3 or not. The stream will keep sending 1 bit at a time. At every bit, tell the new
number formed is multiple of 3 or not.
1) Get count of all set bits at odd positions (For 23 it’s 3).
2) Get count of all set bits at even positions (For 23 it’s 1).
3) If difference of above two counts is a multiple of 3 then number is also a multiple of 3.
93. From interview standpoint, always know and have understanding about problems like
Reader-writers problem and Producer-consumer problem. Also know their solutions using
semaphores or monitors.
94. Train station timings are given. That is, at a station arrival and departure times of trains is
given. Find minimum number of platforms to be constructed at that train station so that
trains at similar interval range can be accommodated.
Train 1 Arrival:9:30am Depart: 10:30am
Train 2 Arrival:9:45am Depart: 10:10am
Train 3 Arrival:10:35am Depart: 11:30am
Train 4 Arrival:11:55am Depart: 12:10pm
Train 5 Arrival:11:50am Depart: 12:15pm
Ans: 2 ( Train 1,2 and Trains 4,5 overlap, so two platforms are required)
Hint: The required platforms is the number of trains whose timings overlap. If none
overlaps, then we can do with one platform.
- Sort all the timings including arrival and departure timings by keeping them in one single
array. And maintain that a particular timing is for arrival and departure. So, if n trains are
present, you sort an array with 2n timings( arrival and departure time for each train).
- Once you sort these 2n values, start from 0th index and increment count as you encounter
timing value( marked as ‘arrival’) and decrement count for timing ( marked as ‘departure’).
- Also, maintain the maximum value obtained by count somewhere because at last this max
value achieved by count is the answer.
Design Questions
95. Design an elevator system.
Hint: Think in terms of algorithm to be used for elevator movement. Different usecases.
Focus on classes and interaction between them.
96. Design spell-checker for MS-word.
Hint: Think about data-structure like trie or ternary search tree.
97. Design Chess game. Define classes and interactions.
98. Design web-application that will accept pincode as input and will return list of departmental
stores in that pincode.
Interviewer will not say anything, after this line, he will accept you to come up with databse
design and what data you will store in db to figure out which stores lie in a particular
Hint: Also, don’t forget its web-application, so do focus on caching, multiple servers, load
balancing for additional points 
99. Implement a T9 dictionary. Its keypad of mobile. When you press certain numbers, you need
to suggest words that are possibly formed from characters represented by those numbers.
100. Imagine you're designing a Web Service for a phone application that returns a list of
suggested Words that may complete a given string the user types. For example, if the user
writes "ap", a list of suggested words may contain ["apple", "application",
,aptitude",...]Assume English only words and no misspelling.
 “It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.”..Babe Ruth
