Commonly Asked Networking Interview Questions And Answers | Set 7

1) What is an Encoder?

Ans) Encoder is a circuit that uses an algorithm to convert any data or compress audio data or video data for transmission purpose. An encoder converts the analog signal into the digital signal.

2) What is a Decoder?

Ans) Decoder is a circuit which converts the encoded data to its actual format. It converts the digital signal into analog signal.

3) How can you recover the data from a system which is infected with Virus?

Ans) In another system (not infected with a virus) install an OS and antivirus with the latest updates. Then connect the HDD of the infected system as a secondary drive. Now scan the secondary HDD and clean it. Then copy the data into the system.

4) Describe the key elements of protocols?

Ans) Below three elements are the key elements of protocols
Syntax: It is the format of the data. That means in which order the data is displayed.
Semantics: Describes the meaning of the bits in each section.
Timing: At what time the data is to be sent and how fast it is to be sent.

5) Explain the difference between baseband and broadband transmission?

Ans) Baseband Transmission: A single signal consumes the whole bandwidth of the cable

Broadband Transmission: Multiple signals of multiple frequencies are sent simultaneously.
