Commonly Asked Networking Interview Questions And Answers | Set 2

1) Differentiate Communication and Transmission?

Ans) Through Transmission the data gets transferred from source to destination (Only one way). It is treated as the physical movement of data.

Communication means the process of sending and receiving data between two media (data is transferred between source and destination in both ways).

2) Explain various types of networks based on their sizes?

Ans) Size of the Network is defined as the geographic area and the number of computers covered in it. Based on the size of the network they are classified as below,

Based on the size of the Network they are classified as below,

Local Area Network (LAN): A network with a minimum of two computers to a maximum of thousands of computers within an office or a building is termed as LAN.Generally, it works for a single site where people can share resources like printers, data storage etc.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN): It is larger than LAN and used to connect various LAN’s across small regions, a city, campus of colleges or universities etc which in turn forms a bigger network.

Wide Area Network (WAN): Multiple LAN’s and MAN’s connected together form a WAN. It covers a wider area like a whole country or world.

3) Define various types of internet connections?

Ans) There are three types of internet connections. They are listed below

1) Broadband Connection – This type of connection gives continuous high-speed internet. In this type, if we log off from the internet for any reason then there is no need to log in again.

Eg: Modems of cables, Fibres, wireless connection, satellite connection etc.

2) Wi-Fi – It is a wireless internet connection between the devices. It uses radio waves to connect to the devices or gadgets.

3) WiMAX – It is the most advanced type of internet connection which is more featured than Wi-Fi. It is nothing but the high-speed and advanced type of broadband connection.

4) Few important terminology we come across networking concepts?

Ans) Below are few important terms we need to know in networking

Network – A set of computers or devices connected together with a communication path to share data.

Networking – The design and construction of a network are termed as networking.

Link – The physical medium or the communication path through which the devices are connected in a network is called as a Link.

Node – The devices or the computers connected to the links are named as nodes.
Router / Gateway – A device/computer/node that is connected to different networks is termed as a Gateway or Router. The basic difference between these two is that Gateway is used to control the traffic of two contradictory networks whereas router controls the traffic of similar networks.

The router is nothing but a switch which processes the signal/traffic using routing protocols.

Protocol – A set of instructions or rules or guidelines that are used in establishing communications between computers of a network is called as Protocol.

Unicasting – When a piece of information or a packet is sent from a particular source to a specified destination then it is called as Unicasting.

Anycasting – Sending the datagrams from a source to the nearest device among the group of servers which provide the same service as the source is termed as Anycasting.

Multicasting – Sending one copy of data from a single sender to multiple clients or receivers (selected clients) of the networks which are in need of such data.

Broadcasting – Sending a packet to each device of the network is termed as broadcasting.

5) Explain the characteristics of networking?

Ans) The main characteristics of networking are mentioned below:

Topology: This deals with how the computers or nodes are arranged in the network. The computers are arranged physically or logically.

Protocols: Deals with the process how the computers communicate with one another.

Medium: This is nothing but the medium used by the computers for communication.


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